Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Captivating Captive

1 comment:

  1. Along with Alonna Shaw in DOUBLE IMPACT (1991), Melissa Moore was my favorite action-man's sexy sidekick from the nineties. ANGELFIST was the first time I ever saw her on screen, and I fell immediately in love. This particular segment of the movie is probably most well remembered for the ice torture - the bad men unbuttoning Melissa's CIA undercover agent' shirt in order to press her bare breasts against a bloc of ice. But for me, the recourse to the ages-old method of pretending to agree to have sex with the criminal so that he will untie her... well... Lets just say Melissa is just absolutely gorgeous in this movie, clearly obfuscating the leading lady Kat Sassoon.

    Later on I caught her in other movies, and she seemed to always top herself in the gougeousness department, being it as the sweetly hot girlfriend-next-door in KILLING ZONE (1991), or as the STORMSWEPT victim of the supernatural sexstorm unleashed in the film of that title.

    She always seems so... natural. So, here's looking at you, babe.
